How to Organise Stress-Free Functions eGuide

Question: Do you want to maximise your profits and minimise your stress?


How to Organise Stress-Free Functions eGuide


Do you want to maximise your profits and minimise your stress?


Our How to Setup a Profitable Function eGuide helps you to execute unforgettable catering experiences. You’ll learn type of function, taking enquiries for a function, selling a venue, choosing a venue, rental equipment and special requests, deciding on a menu, beverages, organising staff, feedback and evaluation. 

We also cover the four steps 4 steps for a stress free function planning, organising, implementing and evaluating.

With our functions eGuide, you’ll discover, how a professional approach, together with consistency is the key to exceeding your clients’ expectations.

Don’t wait any longer BUY NOW a copy of How to Setup Profitable Functions eGuide and take the first step towards growing your catering business and delivering unforgettable catering experiences to your clients.


5 Ingredients to be able to co-ordinate memorable functions.

Find out how to…

…Take enquiries for a function, how to prepare yourself for a meeting with the client, how to develop a Function Sales Kit and how to record bookings.

Find out…

…What amenities, technical and general facilities you have to offer.

Discover how to…

…Work out floor plans and table plans. Understand the main function styles.

Discover how to…

…Organise menus for breakfast, lunch, dinner, cocktails and afternoon tea / coffee, as well as beverages.

Learn how to…

…Find suitable employees and place them. 


Naturally, as a small food business owner you want to eliminate as much as possible any cause for anxiety on the part of your client.

You must consider and cater for every likely contingency, so the importance of basic preparation cannot be overemphasised. 


For a low investment, BUY NOW a copy of How to Organise Stress-Free Functions eGuide. It is easy to read with lots of examples, case studies, tips, and activities…knowhow you can use in your own business immediately.

This eGuide is delivered online, so you can access it from your computer at a time convenient to you.

How to Organise Stress-Free Functions eGuide

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